Energy management in SMEs
Energy audits
- What should be the next steps after completing an audit?
- How often should I repeat an audit?
- What are the similarities and differences between an energy audit and an energy management system based on the ISO 50001 standard?
- How much energy and money can you save with an energy audit?
- How much does an energy audit cost?
- What are the benefits of doing an energy audit?
Why energy management
- If my company has already done a lot of work to save energy, do we need to obtain ISO 50001? Will this enable us to achieve ISO 50001 certification faster?
- Why are ISO 50001 and SEP important and why should our plant/company become certified?
- What are the benefits of energy management and ISO 50001?
- What other standards or programs are complimentary or competitive with ISO 50001?
- How does ISO 50001 differ from ISO 9001 and ISO 14000? If my company is certified to an existing ISO management standard what are the consequences or benefits for ISO 50001 certification?
- Does our company/plant have to certify to ISO 50001 in order to benefit from it?
- What is the link between ISO 50001 and the SEP Measurement and Verification protocol and how does it affect ISO 50001 certification? How can an Energy Manager best pursue ISO 50001 and SEP certification?
- What are the options to consider in choosing an energy management system?
Implementing energy management
- How long is ISO 50001 certification valid?
- Are scorecards or other pro-forma metrics used for ISO 50001 and SEP? What level and frequency of management review is appropriate or required for ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance?
- What are the documentation requirements for Superior Energy Performance?
- Give me some direction on Establishing an Energy Policy. What are the steps in Energy Planning?
- What resources are typically required to implement ISO 50001 and achieve certification? How much is this process going to cost our organization? How many individuals are required? How long will the process take?
- What level of commitment and investment is typically required to pursue ISO 50001?