Underground Power Cables
- What are the maintenance procedures for underground distribution?
- What are the main selection and design criteria for cables used in underground distribution?
- What are the different installation methods for underground cables and how do these compare with one another?
- Which are the key cost components of an underground cable power distribution system and how do these compare with overhead lines over the lifecycle?
- How do High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines impact the environment and how can this be evaluated?
- What are the important engineering considerations when going underground?
- What are the key factors for the success of an undergrounding plan?
- What are the costs and benefits of converting overhead lines to underground cables?
- What is the maximum length of underground cable that can be laid without providing reactive compensation?
- Can cables cross motorways, roads and waterways & is there a problem with existing oil and gas pipelines or electricity cables?
- What are the requirements for linking an underground section to an overground section? How much land is required? How easily can this be camouflaged from view?
- Are there differences in transmission losses between underground cables and overhead lines?
- What are the main differences in outages & repairs between overhead lines and underground cables?
- How many cables are required when undergrounding transmission lines?
- What are the Electro-Magnetic Fields from overhead lines and cables?
- What are the main benefits of underground cables?