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Date & Time
December 11, 2024 ; 10h00 - 11h00 CET
Wolfgang Eichhammer, Fraunhofer ISI / Utrecht University / IEECP
The webinar presents the 2024 Edition of the European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard, which is based on the ODYSSEE-MURE databases concerning energy efficiency indicators and policies. The purpose of the scoreboard is to evaluate the energy efficiency performance of European Union countries, both overall and by sector, including households, transport, industry, and services.
This edition includes the latest data on energy efficiency and the impacts of policies, gathered through ODYSSEE-MURE. Each country's score is determined by three main components: the energy efficiency level achieved, the progress made in energy efficiency, and the impacts of energy efficiency policies. These components are then combined to form an overall energy efficiency score.
During the presentation, we discuss changes compared to the previous edition and examine case studies from selected countries. Additionally, the webinar explores the European energy efficiency policy gap using a newly introduced Energy Efficiency Policy Assessment Tool. This tool allows for a comparison of policy impacts with energy efficiency scenarios for 2030, aligning with the objective of achieving climate neutrality in the European Union.
Key takeaways
- The comparison of the 2024 and 2023 scoreboards points out whether the efforts on energy efficiency policies by EU Member States, as documented in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPS), lead to an improvement in the position of a country and why.
- Political events such as the Ukraine war and the related energy security crises, as well as the enhancement of climate targets could have had impacts but long-term strategic development of energy efficiency policies have clearly had the largest contribution to targets.
- Individual European Member States and the European Union as a whole, nevertheless, still present a substantial energy efficiency policy gap as compared to 2030 targets, even taking into account the additional efforts by EU Member States described in the NECPs.
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