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Date & Time
November 28, 2023; 15h00 - 16h00 CET
- Diedert Debusscher, European Copper Institute
- João Fong, ISR, University of Coimbra
The new EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which came into effect on October 10, 2023, has made the Energy Savings Obligation (Art.8) even more crucial to achieving the energy efficiency targets of the EU. Member states can claim full credit for policies that accelerate the uptake of more efficient products like the early replacement of old, inefficient motors, provided proven additionality.
The streamSAVE project, funded under Horizon 2020, focused on streamlining calculation methodologies of standardized technical actions, including replacement of motors. These methodologies are designed to make it easier for member states to integrate these actions into policy measures.
Key take-aways
- Energy Savings Obligations under the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) are pivotal in achieving the EU 2030 Energy Efficiency targets
- Even more now: with the EED 2023 recast currently being transposed by Member States into national law, it is important that national authorities can address all potential savings in all end-use sectors
- One energy saving measure that is underrepresented in national catalogues of saving measures is the replacement of old, inefficient electric motors; despite the high savings potential (25-100 TWh/year in EU-27)
- Member States can claim full credit for accelerated motor replacement, provided they can prove additionality and the uptake takes place before the expiry of the average expected lifetime
- Both streamSAVE (H2020 project) and EU-MORE (LIFE-CET project) are supporting national authorities in the effective design of (new) policies to untap this savings potential
Further Reading
Last update: November 29, 2023
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